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Writer's pictureShelley Klammer

Emotional Check-In Exercise

You might be going through your life feeling numb, distracted or out of touch with how you really feel inside. This is very common.

Daily Check-In

Here is a great daily check-in exercise that you can track in your journal each day inspired by David I. Rome, the author of "Your Body Knows the Answer."

If you easily abandon yourself when you are with other people, you will also find this exercise helpful. You can do this exercise in your journal once a day. This emotional check-in exercise invites your deeper self-knowing by repeating one question three times.

Noticing "Something"

1. First Inquiry: Begin by simply asking yourself, "How am I?" Say whatever comes to mind. "I am fine...tired...sad...happy...excited and write it down in your journal.

2. Second Inquiry: Now ask yourself again, "How am I really?" This time, ignore any words that arise quickly. Instead, hold in mind the question, "How am I really? Allow there to be a gap, and sense into your body with an attitude of friendly attending.

Do not answer from your head - that would be what you already know. Look for a response to the question in your body. Find that unclear sense of "something." You might sense a strong sensation in a part of your body. You might see images, colours or symbols. Furthermore, you might hear music or words.

Don't rush. Go slow. Stay present. Be a friendly witness to what comes - even when nothing comes. At first, feelings tend to be quite shy. Feelings are not used to being seen and need time to feel safe enough to show themselves.

When you notice something, simply welcome it and be with it. Write down what you are experiencing.

3. Third Inquiry: After a while, ask for a third time, "How am I really?" and notice if the feeling alters, becomes clearer or disappears. Write down your felt-sense impression in your journal.

At any point in this process, you may experience a fresh insight, or something unexpected. These qualities come with a sense of Oh! or Aha! or Now I see! Make a note of your deeper insights in your journal.

With love,


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