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Writer's pictureShelley Klammer

Free Association In Therapy

Free Flow Talking

In a free association therapy session, you can freely speak your thoughts without embarrassment. You are encouraged not to censor yourself and say anything that comes to mind. It can be so interesting to share in this way. You might talk about your past, bring up random memories, or feel compelled to explore a specific period without knowing why. At the end of the session, we can look for patterns and themes together and take a deeper look at your subconscious growth edge to see what your next step is.

Listening for Your Next Growth Step

While trying free association, not every word, idea, or thought may make immediate sense. Yet, it is possible to discover deeper meaning or fresh insights by not censoring what you say. Rather than using your logical mind to talk about your life's story, which is what most people do, you can discover the deeper themes of your life through spontaneous right-brained free-flow talking.

Free Association Writing

Free association writing involves writing thoughts down as they come to you - in a spontaneous and non-logical way. You could do this as a homework assignment between sessions. You are welcome to share what you've written before we meet again for your next therapy session. See Therapy Homework Guidelines HERE.

With Love,


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